AI Working Group

Given the increasing importance of artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities and tools to the retail industry, NRF is convening retail leaders to facilitate policy and stakeholder engagement on AI issues and the development of practices and guidelines for the use of AI within retail. 

This retail members-only working group provides feedback on proposed AI legislation and regulations, advises NRF on developing common principles and guidelines for retail uses of AI, and helps NRF educate policymakers and the media on how retailers are using AI-enabled technology to improve their operations and better serve customers.

An image representing AI technology and capabilities.
NRF webinar: NRF’s AI Principles for Retail Webinar

Hear from NRF Chief Administrative Officer and General Counsel Stephanie Martz and Christian Beckner, VP, Retail Technology and Cybersecurity and Executive Director, NRF Center for Digital Risk & Innovation as they discuss the rise of artificial intelligence capabilities and tools and how retailers are using AI to better serve customers. Furthermore, listen to the questions and answers portion to learn more about this topic at the end of the webinar.



This group is open to NRF retail member companies’ business and technology leaders with responsibility for determining the key uses of AI technology within their company and related data science initiatives, including executives and counsels who engage in information technology, public policy, legal affairs and risk management roles with responsibility for AI governance within their companies. Companies may have multiple participants in the working group.

How to join

To join the AI Working Group or learn more about NRF’s AI efforts, connect with the team at

Explore additional technology-related resources:

Center for Digital Risk & Innovation
NRF's hub around key technology issues that have significant policy and risk management implications for retailers.
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Consumer Trends
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Retail Technology
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