Retail Communicators’ Network

Join our retail communicators’ network

The NRF Retail Communicators’ Network brings together communications, public relations and investor relations professionals within NRF retail member companies to discuss current and emerging issues facing the industry. The network meets to share insights and discuss successes and challenges related to maintaining and cultivating a positive narrative for retail brands and the industry at large.

The Retail Communicators’ Network receives regular updates about NRF initiatives, events and industry and consumer research, as well as access to timely media and speaking opportunities.



This network convenes twice a year in person, including at Talking Shop during NRF: Retail’s Big Show. Additional calls and webinars are hosted as needed.


The NRF Retail Communicators’ Network is open to senior communications, public relations and investor relations professionals within NRF retail member companies or at NRF’s discretion.

How to get involved

To join the NRF Retail Communicators’ Network contact Mary McGinty, NRF’s vice president, communications and public affairs.

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Interested in joining?

Interested in joining a council, but unsure which one is right for you or unsure of your company’s membership status? We want you to be part of our retail community. Connect with the team today at to learn more.