Policy Spotlight


Tariffs of the levels imposed in the past year are too large for retailers to absorb and are passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices. NRF continues to lead the fight against tariffs and has voiced concerns with the White House and Congress. Stay up to date with the latest insights on tariffs and see how NRF is addressing the issue.

The port of Boston.

Organized Retail Crime

Organized retail crime (ORC) is the large-scale theft of retail merchandise with the intent to resell the items for financial gain. ORC typically involves a criminal enterprise employing a group of individuals who steal large quantities of merchandise from a number of stores and a fencing operation that converts the stolen goods into cash. Learn more about how ORC differs from shoplifting, the impact it’s having on retailers across the nation and how NRF is working with lawmakers to combat the issue.

Swipe Fees

Credit and debit card swipe fees cost retailers and their customers more than $170 billion a year. NRF has fought for fair swipe fees for over two decades, saying the current system lacks transparency and competition and that banks’ cost of processing transactions has gone down as technology has improved. Discover how high fees are impacting retailers and consumers alike and what NRF is doing to help.

Customer swiping their credit card.

All Policy Issues

NRF is focused on policies that impact retailers’ ability to do business and serve their customers.

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Congress is currently considering many issues that affect the retail industry. We need your help to make sure Congress hears from retailers. Use these online tools to contact your representatives and make your voice heard.