Scorecard, 116th Congress (2019-2020)

Legend: = supports NRF's position; = opposes NRF's position; = absent; blank = no data;
Name H.R. 2474 H.R. 5430 H.R. 1423 H.R. 748 H.R. 1869 H.R. 3587 H.R. 1452 H.R. 3477 H.R. 2474 H.R. 2782 H.R. 1374
Adams, Alma S. (D-North Carolina-12)
Aderholt, Robert B. (R-Alabama-4)
Aguilar, Peter R. (D-California-33)
Allen, Richard W. (R-Georgia-12)
Allred, Colin (D-Texas-32)
Amodei, Mark E. (R-Nevada-2)
Armstrong, Kelly M. (R-North Dakota-1)
Arrington, Jodey C. (R-Texas-19)
Babin, Brian (R-Texas-36)
Bacon, Donald J. (R-Nebraska-2)
Baird, James (R-Indiana-4)
Balderson, Troy (R-Ohio-12)
Banks, James E. (R-Indiana-3)
Barr, Garland H. (R-Kentucky-6)
Barragan, Nanette Diaz (D-California-44)
Beatty, Joyce (D-Ohio-3)
Bera, Amerish B. (D-California-6)
Bergman, John W. (R-Michigan-1)
Beyer, Donald S. (D-Virginia-8)
Biggs, Andy (R-Arizona-5)
Bilirakis, Gus M. (R-Florida-12)
Bishop, James Daniel (R-North Carolina-8)
Bishop, Sanford D. (D-Georgia-2)
Blumenauer, Earl (D-Oregon-3)
Blunt Rochester, Lisa (D-Delaware-1)
Bonamici, Suzanne (D-Oregon-1)
Bost, Mike (R-Illinois-12)
Boyle, Brendan F. (D-Pennsylvania-2)
Brownley, Julia (D-California-26)
Buchanan, Vernon G. (R-Florida-16)
Bucshon, Larry D. (R-Indiana-8)
Burchett, Tim (R-Tennessee-2)
Burgess, Michael C. (R-Texas-26)
Calvert, Ken (R-California-41)
Carbajal, Salud (D-California-24)
Cardenas, Antonio (D-California-29)
Carson, André D. (D-Indiana-7)
Carter, Earl L. (R-Georgia-1)
Carter, John R. (R-Texas-31)
Cartwright, Matthew A. (D-Pennsylvania-8)
Case, Ed (D-Hawaii-1)
Casten, Sean (D-Illinois-6)
Castor, Katherine A. (D-Florida-14)
Castro, Joaquín (D-Texas-2)
Chu, Judy M. (D-California-28)
Clark, Katherine M. (D-Massachusetts-5)
Clarke, Yvette D. (D-New York-9)
Cleaver, Emanuel (D-Missouri-5)
Cline, Benjamin L. (R-Virginia-6)
Cloud, Michael J. (R-Texas-27)
Clyburn, James E. (D-South Carolina-6)
Cohen, Steve (D-Tennessee-9)
Cole, Thomas J. (R-Oklahoma-4)
Comer, James R. (R-Kentucky-1)
Connolly, Gerald (D-Virginia-11)
Correa, Jose Luis (D-California-46)
Costa, James Manuel (D-California-21)
Courtney, Joseph (D-Connecticut-2)
Craig, Angie (D-Minnesota-2)
Crawford, Eric A. (R-Arkansas-1)
Crenshaw, Daniel (R-Texas-2)
Crow, Jason (D-Colorado-6)
Cuellar, Henry R. (D-Texas-28)
Curtis, John R. (R-Utah-3)
Davids, Sharice (D-Kansas-3)
Davidson, Warren (R-Ohio-8)
Davis, Daniel K. (D-Illinois-7)
DeGette, Diana (D-Colorado-1)
DeLauro, Rosa L. (D-Connecticut-3)
DeSaulnier, Mark J. (D-California-1)
Dean, Madeleine (D-Pennsylvania-4)
DelBene, Suzan K. (D-Washington-1)
DesJarlais, Scott (R-Tennessee-4)
Diaz-Balart, Mario (R-Florida-26)
Dingell, Deborah A. (D-Michigan-6)
Duncan, Jeffrey D. (R-South Carolina-3)
Dunn, Neal P. (R-Florida-2)
Emmer, Thomas E. (R-Minnesota-6)
Escobar, Veronica (D-Texas-16)
Eshoo, Anna G. (D-California-16)
Espaillat, Adriano (D-New York-13)
Estes, Ron (R-Kansas-4)
Evans, Dwight (D-Pennsylvania-3)
Ferguson, Anderson Drew (R-Georgia-3)
Fitzpatrick, Brian K. (R-Pennsylvania-1)
Fleischmann, Charles (R-Tennessee-3)
Fletcher, Elizabeth Pannill (D-Texas-7)
Foster, Bill (D-Illinois-11)
Foxx, Virginia A. (R-North Carolina-5)
Frankel, Lois J. (D-Florida-22)
Fulcher, Russell M. (R-Idaho-1)
Gaetz, Matthew (R-Florida-1)
Gallego, Ruben M. (D-Arizona-3)
Garamendi, John (D-California-8)
Garcia, Jesús G. (D-Illinois-4)
Garcia, Sylvia R. (D-Texas-29)
Golden, Jared F. (D-Maine-2)
Gomez, Jimmy (D-California-34)
Gonzalez, Vicente (D-Texas-34)
González-Cólon, Jenniffer A. (R-Puerto Rico-1)
Gooden, Lance (R-Texas-5)
Gosar, Paul (R-Arizona-9)
Gottheimer, Joshua S. (D-New Jersey-5)
Granger, Kay (R-Texas-12)
Graves, Garret (R-Louisiana-6)
Graves, Samuel B. (R-Missouri-6)
Green, Al (D-Texas-9)
Green, Mark E. (R-Tennessee-7)
Griffith, H. Morgan (R-Virginia-9)
Grijalva, Raul M. (D-Arizona-7)
Grothman, Glenn (R-Wisconsin-6)
Guest, Michael (R-Mississippi-3)
Guthrie, Brett (R-Kentucky-2)
Harder, Josh (D-California-9)
Harris, Andrew P. (R-Maryland-1)
Hayes, Jahana (D-Connecticut-5)
Hern, Kevin (R-Oklahoma-1)
Higgins, Clay (R-Louisiana-3)
Hill, James French (R-Arkansas-2)
Himes, Jim (D-Connecticut-4)
Horsford, Steven (D-Nevada-4)
Houlahan, Chrissy (D-Pennsylvania-6)
Hoyer, Steny H. (D-Maryland-5)
Hudson, Richard (R-North Carolina-9)
Huffman, Jared (D-California-2)
Huizenga, William P. (R-Michigan-4)
Jayapal, Pramila (D-Washington-7)
Jeffries, Hakeem (D-New York-8)
Johnson, Dusty (R-South Dakota-1)
Johnson, Hank (D-Georgia-4)
Johnson, James Michael (R-Louisiana-4)
Jordan, Jim (R-Ohio-4)
Joyce, David (R-Ohio-14)
Joyce, John (R-Pennsylvania-13)
Kaptur, Marcy (D-Ohio-9)
Keating, William (D-Massachusetts-9)
Kelly, George J. (R-Pennsylvania-16)
Kelly, Robin L. (D-Illinois-2)
Kelly, Trent (R-Mississippi-1)
Khanna, Rohit (D-California-17)
Kildee, Daniel T. (D-Michigan-8)
Kilmer, Derek C. (D-Washington-6)
Kim, Andy (D-New Jersey-3)
Krishnamoorthi, S. Raja (D-Illinois-8)
Kuster, Ann (D-New Hampshire-2)
Kustoff, David F. (R-Tennessee-8)
LaHood, Darin M. (R-Illinois-16)
LaMalfa, Douglas L. (R-California-1)
Lamborn, Douglas L. (R-Colorado-5)
Larsen, Rick (D-Washington-2)
Larson, John B. (D-Connecticut-1)
Latta, Robert E. (R-Ohio-5)
Lee, Barbara (D-California-12)
Lee, Susie (D-Nevada-3)
Lesko, Debbie (R-Arizona-8)
Levin, Mike (D-California-49)
Lieu, Ted W. (D-California-36)
Lofgren, Zoe (D-California-18)
Loudermilk, Barry D. (R-Georgia-11)
Lucas, Frank D. (R-Oklahoma-3)
Luetkemeyer, Blaine (R-Missouri-3)
Lynch, Stephen F. (D-Massachusetts-8)
Massie, Thomas H. (R-Kentucky-4)
Mast, Brian (R-Florida-21)
Matsui, Doris O. (D-California-7)
McBath, Lucy (D-Georgia-7)
McCaul, Michael T. (R-Texas-1)
McClintock, Thomas M. (R-California-5)
McCollum, Betty (D-Minnesota-4)
McGovern, James (D-Massachusetts-2)
McHenry, Patrick T. (R-North Carolina-1)
McMorris Rodgers, Cathy A. (R-Washington-5)
Meeks, Gregory W. (D-New York-5)
Meng, Grace (D-New York-6)
Meuser, Dan (R-Pennsylvania-9)
Miller, Carol (R-West Virginia-1)
Moolenaar, John R. (R-Michigan-2)
Mooney, Alexander X. (R-West Virginia-2)
Moore, Gwen S. (D-Wisconsin-4)
Morelle, Joseph D. (D-New York-25)
Moulton, Seth W. (D-Massachusetts-6)
Murphy, Gregory F. (R-North Carolina-3)
Nadler, Jerrold (D-New York-12)
Napolitano, Grace F. (D-California-31)
Neal, Richard E. (D-Massachusetts-1)
Neguse, Joe (D-Colorado-2)
Newhouse, Daniel M. (R-Washington-4)
Norcross, Donald W. (D-New Jersey-1)
Norman, Ralph W. (R-South Carolina-5)
Norton, Eleanor Holmes (D-District of Columbia-1)
Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria (D-New York-14)
Omar, Ilhan A. (D-Minnesota-5)
Pallone, Frank J. (D-New Jersey-6)
Palmer, Gary J. (R-Alabama-6)
Panetta, James V. (D-California-19)
Pappas, Christopher C. (D-New Hampshire-1)
Pelosi, Nancy P. (D-California-11)
Pence, Greg (R-Indiana-6)
Perry, Scott (R-Pennsylvania-1)
Peters, Scott H. (D-California-5)
Phillips, Dean (D-Minnesota-3)
Pingree, Chellie (D-Maine-1)
Plaskett, Stacey E. (D-Virgin Islands-1)
Pocan, Mark (D-Wisconsin-2)
Porter, Katie (D-California-47)
Posey, Bill (R-Florida-8)
Pressley, Ayanna S. (D-Massachusetts-7)
Quigley, Michael (D-Illinois-5)
Radewagen, Amata Coleman (R-American Samoa-1)
Raskin, Jamin B. (D-Maryland-8)
Reschenthaler, Guy (R-Pennsylvania-14)
Rogers, Harold (R-Kentucky-5)
Rogers, Michael D. (R-Alabama-3)
Rose, John (R-Tennessee-6)
Rouzer, David (R-North Carolina-7)
Roy, Charles E. (R-Texas-21)
Ruiz, Raul (D-California-25)
Ruppersberger, Charles A. (D-Maryland-2)
Rutherford, John H. (R-Florida-5)
Sablan, Gregorio K. (I-Northern Mariana Islands-1)
Sanchez, Linda T. (D-California-38)
Sarbanes, John P. (D-Maryland-3)
Scalise, Stephen J. (R-Louisiana-1)
Scanlon, Mary Gay (D-Pennsylvania-5)
Schakowsky, Jan (D-Illinois-9)
Schiff, Adam B. (D-California-3)
Schneider, Bradley S. (D-Illinois-1)
Schrier, Kim (D-Washington-8)
Schweikert, David (R-Arizona-1)
Scott, David A. (D-Georgia-13)
Scott, James Austin (R-Georgia-8)
Scott, Robert C. (D-Virginia-3)
Sewell, Terrycina A. (D-Alabama-7)
Sherman, Bradley J. (D-California-32)
Sherrill, Mikie (D-New Jersey-11)
Simpson, Michael K. (R-Idaho-2)
Slotkin, Elissa (D-Michigan-7)
Smith, Adam (D-Washington-9)
Smith, Adrian M. (R-Nebraska-3)
Smith, Christopher H. (R-New Jersey-4)
Smith, Jason T. (R-Missouri-8)
Smucker, Lloyd K. (R-Pennsylvania-11)
Soto, Darren M. (D-Florida-9)
Spanberger, Abigail (D-Virginia-7)
Stanton, Greg (D-Arizona-4)
Stauber, Pete (R-Minnesota-8)
Stefanik, Elise M. (R-New York-21)
Steil, Bryan (R-Wisconsin-1)
Steube, W. Gregory (R-Florida-17)
Stevens, Haley (D-Michigan-11)
Swalwell, Eric M. (D-California-14)
Takano, Mark A. (D-California-39)
Thompson, Bennie G. (D-Mississippi-2)
Thompson, Charles M. (D-California-4)
Thompson, Glenn (R-Pennsylvania-15)
Timmons, William (R-South Carolina-4)
Titus, Alice C. (D-Nevada-1)
Tlaib, Rashida H. (D-Michigan-12)
Tonko, Paul D. (D-New York-2)
Torres, Norma J. (D-California-35)
Trahan, Lori (D-Massachusetts-3)
Trone, David (D-Maryland-6)
Turner, Michael R. (R-Ohio-1)
Underwood, Lauren (D-Illinois-14)
Van Drew, Jefferson (R-New Jersey-2)
Vargas, Juan C. (D-California-52)
Veasey, Marc (D-Texas-33)
Velázquez, Nydia M. (D-New York-7)
Wagner, Ann L. (R-Missouri-2)
Walberg, Timothy L. (R-Michigan-5)
Waltz, Michael (R-Florida-6)
Wasserman Schultz, Deborah (D-Florida-25)
Waters, Maxine M. (D-California-43)
Watson Coleman, Bonnie (D-New Jersey-12)
Weber, Randy (R-Texas-14)
Webster, Daniel A. (R-Florida-11)
Wenstrup, Brad R. (R-Ohio-2)
Westerman, Bruce E. (R-Arkansas-4)
Wexton, Jennifer T. (D-Virginia-1)
Wild, Susan E. (D-Pennsylvania-7)
Williams, John Roger (R-Texas-25)
Wilson, Addison G. (R-South Carolina-2)
Wilson, Frederica S. (D-Florida-24)
Wittman, Robert J. (R-Virginia-1)
Womack, Stephen A. (R-Arkansas-3)

H.R. 2474 On Passage -- Protecting the Right to Organize Act (2/6/2020)

Strips away workers’ free choice in union elections and their privacy rights, interferes with employers’ ability to secure legal advice on complex labor matters, expands joint employer liability, prohibits the use of arbitration for employment matters, and strips away “secondary boycott” protections among other provisions. Click here to read NRF's Key Vote letterNRF POSITION: OPPOSE back to top...

H.R. 5430 On Passage -- United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act (12/19/2019)

We support efforts to modernize NAFTA to reflect today’s business environment. Retailers are encouraged by some of the new and updated provisions, especially related to digital trade and customs and trade facilitation. These modernized provisions, especially related to digital trade, customs and trade facilitation, will help ensure that USMCA reflects today’s global economy and will continue to benefit the U.S. economy. Read our Key Vote letter here. NRF Position: SUPPORT
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H.R. 1423 On Passage -- Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal Act (9/20/2019)

Prohibits the use of arbitration agreements, which provide a fair, efficient, and less contentious process to remedy employment, civil rights, consumer, and antitrust disputes. Read our Key Vote letter here. NRF POSITION: OPPOSE back to top...

H.R. 748 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended -- Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act (7/17/2019)

Will protect health insurance coverage for 181 million Americans that would have been potentially subject to a 40% excise tax on the excess value of employer-sponsored coverage. Read our Key Vote letter here. NRF POSITION: SUPPORT back to top...

H.R. 1869, Restoring Investment in Improvements Act

Corrects a drafting error in the TCJA of 2017 to allow retail and restaurant owners to reinvest in their businesses as Congress intended. NRF POSITION: SUPPORT

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H.R. 3587, Net Operating Loss

a bill to clarify the application of the net operating loss deduction – changes effective date for NOL deductions for taxpayers that have tax years that do not align with the calendar year, providing taxpayers with access to tax refunds that are owed to them which are necessary to finance daily business operations. NRF POSITION: SUPPORT back to top...

H.R. 1452, Import Tax Relief Act

Tariffs are taxes paid by U.S. consumers, not other governments. This bill reasserts Congress’ authority over trade and tariff policy by providing an exclusion process for tariffs proposed by the Administration. NRF POSITION: SUPPORT back to top...

H.R. 3477, Reclaiming Congressional Trade Authority Act

Requires the President to submit for approval of Congress future tariffs or duties imposed for national security reasons. NRF POSITION: SUPPORT back to top...

H.R. 2474, Protecting the Right to Organize Act -- Co-Sponsorship

Strips away workers’ free choice in union elections and their privacy rights, interferes with employers’ ability to secure legal advice on complex labor matters, expands joint employer liability, prohibits the use of arbitration for employment matters, and strips away “secondary boycott” protections among other provisions. NRF POSITION: OPPOSE

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H.R. 2782, Employee Flexibility Act

Provides flexibility for workers and employers by establishing 40 hours per week as the definition of full-time for purposes of the employer mandate under the Affordable Care Act. NRF POSITION: SUPPORT  back to top...

H.R. 1374, DRIVE-Safe Act

The average age of a commercial truck driver is 55, leading to driver shortages that is harming commerce and economic growth for the retail and restaurant community. This legislation will allow more people to pursue a career in the transportation industry. NRF POSITION: SUPPORT back to top...