Retail guide: How to stay secure as a retailer using cloud to revolutionize the customer

Retail guide: How to stay secure as a retailer using cloud to revolutionize the customer
Members only
Retailers only

Available for download for NRF retail members only.

Retailers see cloud as a way to respond to competitive pressures, speed innovation, time to market, and resilience. This guide offers information for retailers seeking to achieve the full benefits of cloud while ensuring security and compliance. It frames the challenges that many retailers face and explains how to build a roadmap to security and compliance using culture, frameworks, and systems.

The whitepaper outlines the following key points: 

  • Retailers can take advantage of the speed and agility that cloud offers, but the strategies they once used in traditional data centers will not work. 
  • The right approaches to people, frameworks, and systems encompass the roadmap to security and compliance.
  • Retailers must embrace cloud-native frameworks and automation.

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